Silica Dust

Silica Dust

Dust containing silica particles is a health hazard, and can be found in many workplaces. Silica dust that is inhaled can cause diseases like silicosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which are incurablelung diseases.
It usually takes between 10 and 30 years after exposure to silica dust for silicosis to occur. Very early signs of the disease can be difficult to detect, even on x-rays. Silica particles are so small that they cannot be seen by the human eye, and at the same time they are noxious for the lungs.

The body cannot eliminate the particles that are inhaled. They are deposited in the alveoli of the lungs and settle in the connective tissue so that the lungs’ volume gradually decreases. When the damage becomes more widespread, it is easier to become breathless, even when resting. This also increases the strain on the heart.

National regulations and requirements must be followed, as these may vary from ­country to country. Check carefully which regulations apply.


Health risks:

Lung damage such as silicosis, lung cancer, asthma or chronic obstructive ­pulmonary disease (COPD), and includes diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Construction dust can also cause allergies.


Sundström Safety Recommends

The filtering devices listed below for work in which silica dust (RCS) and general ­construction dust is present or likely to occur.


Shorter Duration

Lower work rate and dust concentrations. For users who are clean shaven.

Longer duration

Heavier workload and higher dust concentrations. For users that are clean shaven and with facial hair, beard or sideburns.


Fan Units

